The two components in TCM are acupuncture therapy and herbal medicine therapy.
Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture works through stimulating the body’s healing responses or immune system. ‘Acupoints’ lie on lines or channels in the body and are stimulated by the insertion of thin, fine needles at various point and combinations of points and their effectiveness in treating different diseases, have been refined and verified by modern scientific research.
What is involved an acupuncture session?
Each treatment consist of a number of fine stainless steel needles, being inserted into specific locations of your body for 15 to 30 minutes, according to your presenting symptoms. We only ever use pre-sterilised single use disposable needle to guarantee complete safety and comfort.
How will I feel during and after treatment?
While acupuncture can be slightly dull ache to some, most people experience a feeling of peace and relaxation during the treatment. You should be fine to travel home alone afterwards.
“Westernised” Acupuncture
It should be noted that many western medicine practitioners such as GP’s and physiotherapists also use acupuncture for some conditions. However, rarely are they applying TCM theory, simply because they have not been trained to do so and training in TCM theory takes several years as does their medical skills. They are using a limited set of tried and well tested needling points to achieve well proven outcomes and it can be very effective.
If for some reason it is not effective, or only effective for a short period of time, then TCM theory would suggest that the treatment plan is only treating the symptoms and not getting to the root cause. A bit like a tablet for headache. In these cases it may be worth trying true TCM based acupuncture.
Chinese herbal medicine therapy
Dry herbs £5.00-10.00per bag for 1-2 days usage
Chinese herbal therapy involves the use of natural plants on raw or processed forms. Each herb has its own specific characteristics and particular medical use to treat diseases by rectifying any hyperactivity or hypoactivity of Yin and Yang, and to help restore the body to its normal physiological functions. Chinese herbal therapy must be given by qualified TCM practitioners. The practitioner conducts a diagnostic interview, and the will prescribe a combination of herbs suited to treat each individual patient. Chinese herbs do not usually interfere with other medications, but can complement western medicine in various ways. Herbal medicine can be used separately but is often seen in conjunction with acupuncture.Traditionally Chinese herbs were taken as a drink by boiling up dried herbs. In our clinic we are also able to provide the same treatment in powder or capsule form. In today busy world, this is more convenient method of taking herbs, requires no preparation time and is just as effective. We are providing traditional treatment for the modern world.